Negative Google search results are a serious global issue. Negative results on the first page of Google can ruin a business, damage a person’s reputation and career, and can even destroy a family. It is essential to find a way to suppress and eliminate negative Google search results. Content that you believe presents you in a poor light, negative articles from the major news sites that receive priority from Google, negative reviews on Google about your business and more – there is a way to work against negative Google search results.

And On the First Day, God Created Google Search Results…

The number of searches per phrase or word can often reach to hundreds of thousands of searches. For more common phrases and terms, you could even find hundreds of millions of search results.


The power of Google is clear, and we are able to use that power to our advantage for effective marketing and the creation of successful campaigns. However, the good side of Google’s search results is not the only side. In fact, the negative aspect of Google as a search engine is particularly vicious and destructive.


Just as Google search results can improve businesses and individuals, negative results can reduce a business’ sales, damage the image, and even find its way into impacting your personal life.


Negative Google search results can come in a variety of different forms. They can show up on judgement sites such as where you may be present in a negative light. They can also occur as a result of bad reviews of your business that appear on Google My Business and other various sites.

Another important forum that dominates Google search results is negative articles from the big news sites that receive priority from Google. Any article or content coming from these sites will stand out on the early pages of Google’s search results. This prioritization occurs as a result of the large user traffic on these sites. 

Additionally, negative content and poor reviews on social networking sites such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter can appear in Google search results and cause damage to your business. 

How do we deal with this negative content? Is it possible to delete these results from Google?

Deleting and suppressing negative search results on Google requires skilled professionals with years of experience in the field of reputation management.


Reputation management and hiding negative Google search results is no simple matter. It is important to choose a reputation management company with plenty of experience and high capabilities. The company should also offer full transparency of the entire process, so that the client understands you will not always achieve the desired result immediately. It is important to know that the process of dealing with negative Google search results can take time (a minimum of several months per negative citation).


Dealing with negative results on Google starts with analyzation and evaluation of the content in order to build a strategic plan. The goal of this plan is to significantly suppress the negative content to irrelevant areas of Google.


The negative reputation is transformed into a positive one thanks to the use of several powerful digital marketing tools.


The level of difficulty in suppressing the negative results is determined by the amount of content, the severity of the criticism and the amount of time the result has been online.


Many people ask us about simply deleting Google’s search results. Sometimes this is possible by turning to the sites that posted the content. The content may be deleted due to legal issues (i.e. copyright infringement). It is important to note that deleting Google’s content is not common and any company that claims they will “delete negative Google search results” is clearly not professional or showing the necessary transparency to the client.


If your looking for professionals- DO NOT HESITATE, contact us now, we’ll be more than happy to see if we can help you

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